"The Faith with Joy Talks at our parish are very popular with both parishioners and visitors. Ester's love of Scripture, doctrinal knowledge, and feminine wisdom allow her to speak to the heart as well as the mind. Pope St. Paul VI said that modern man needs witnesses more than catechists. Ester's talks help fill that need."
—Fr. Michael Nolan, St. Mary Parish (Waltham, MA)
"Ester Munt-Brooks is a gifted speaker who can translate profound Catholic teachings to practical points in daily life. I have invited Ester a number of times for our parish adult formation sessions. Her talks were well liked because parishioners always had some take away points which can be implemented in their lives. The examples that came from her own conversion story and other life experiences were relatable to many. It is palpable that she is filled with joy as she spreads the Good News in order to bring many people to our Lord Jesus Christ. As a parish priest, I highly recommend Ester to any adult faith formation and other settings. She has been a great gift to my parish."
—Fr. Chris Bae, Saint Columbkille Parish (Brighton, MA)
"Ester has a special way of connecting to all who hear her speak. She is warm, welcoming, and wise and has touched many hearts in parishes across our archdiocese. Ester’s intellect, knowledge and life experiences make her talks educational, engaging and inspiring. The joy that Ester has found in Jesus Christ makes her a modern-day disciple who brings the Catholic faith alive in our world. Listen to her and she will lead you to truth, beauty and goodness."
—Susan Horne, Liaison to Wives of Men in Formation for Permanent Diaconate (Archdiocese of Boston)
"'Hope of the Lord, Anchor of the Soul' was the title of the talk that Ester gave at our Day of Reflection. Ester has a beautiful gift in combining personal witness, stories and catechesis that inspired us and gave us concrete ways to live in hope."
—Mary Jo Kriz, Director of the Annual Fund & Liaison to the Board of Trustees at Saint John's Seminary (Brighton, MA)